
Looking after you / SOPORTE TECNICO

We are available for telephone support for all Velopex Equipment - regardless of age. We can help with any questions and can advise you on ways to clean and maintain your Velopex equipment. Our team of highly trained representatives is available to visit your premises along with your Dental Dealer representative to provide a demonstration of any Velopex product.

Disponemos de soporte telefónico en todos los equipos Velopex - independientemente del año de adquisición. Podemos asesorar con cualquier pregunta y aconsejar sobre la mejor forma de limpiar y mantener su equipo Velopex. Nuestro equipo altamente cualificado está disponible para visitar sus instalaciones al igual que los representantes están disponibles para demostrar cualquier producto Velopex. 

Service Support
See what we can do for you.

Product Support
Find all product information, from user manuals to videos and installation guides.

Find out all product information of the AquaCare & AquaCare Twin

Aquacut Quattro
Helpful support information for the Aquacut Quattro.

MK3 & MK4 Film Processors
Helpful support information for MK3 & MK4 film processors.

MK5 & MK6 Film Processors
Helpful support information for MK5 & MK6 film processors.

Misc Information
Other helpful information.

HOW TO Videos
Videos demonstrating certain tasks some technicians find difficult to perform. 

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